How Much Stress Can One Body Take?

Letting go of your day-to-day built-up tension

Letting go of stress in our daily lives is one of the trickiest things we face as human beings.  We hear and read so much about Stress. While there are many stresses we face in our society, you may not realise that most of our stress is self-created.

  • The most important factor in dealing with Stress is our Attitude.  Whatever may happen to us in life, our Attitude is the thing that determines how we handle it.
  • Our Stress Tolerance levels are important.  If we can maintain a good level of Stress Tolerance we will handle stressful situations far better.  Eating a balance of healthy and nourishing foods and having a good balance of exercise in our daily life are two important factors in keeping our Stress Tolerance levels high.
  • Keeping our Stress Levels low is really important. When our Stress Levels do go up – as they will do at times – we will be in a better position to handle that extra Stress if our Stress Tolerance levels are reasonably high.

The problem is when the Stress rises and we can no longer handle it, our body tends to break down at its weakest point and we become ill.  That may mean we suffer from such things as:

  • migraine, back pain, skin problems, heart problems, 
  • asthma, mental breakdown, or perhaps turn to
  • alcohol or drugs.

Learning to de-Stress is one of the most important things we human beings can do.  In our society we do not have a tradition of true relaxation.  Meaning, we are not taught how to reduce our Stress Levels both mentally and physically – how to drain away that built-up tension.

This art of relaxation is one of the major techniques taught in the two-day The Centre Within course.

What happens in our daily lives:

  • Most of us lead busy lives, situations occur, things go wrong, and tension builds bit by bit.  
  • Going to sleep at night will reduce some of it, but not all. 
  • Eventually, as stress builds and builds, it can have an effect on our bodies.  
  • We now feel dis-at-ease (meaning uncomfortable, after all, that’s what the word ‘disease’ means!)  
  • We reach for the patent medicines rather than looking at how we can reduce the tension that caused the problem.  
  • People just think they’ve become sick, without realising that their illness is largely created by how they have handled what is going on in their lives.

We know that situations will happen in life.  People will do things that we may not agree with – things that have an effect on our life and living.  Our reaction may be anger, hurt, pain, suffering – any of these will result in our body feeling stressed.  What is important to our wellbeing is how we react to what has happened.

Realise that each of us has been raised differently. 

All of us have:

  • different reactions to what happens to us because we have had
  • different training 
  • different experiences and therefore we have 
  • different perspectives on what happens.  

This is where our Attitude is so important.  

We can change our Attitude – it’s up to us.  When we see things differently, from other perspectives, we will often handle a situation far better.

Learning to de-Stress, relax, lower our Stress Levels is vital if we are to handle life and living in the modern world. These days we are faced with a lot of busyness, our lives are full, or even over-loaded, and many people just aren’t coping. 

Relaxing, truly Relaxing, finding that peaceful place ‘between your thoughts’ is a learned art and a practice we could all take on, every day, to cope with modern life. I can assure you, it’s a nice way to live!