The aim of this practical two-day course is to give you tools and techniques to make improvements to your life and your way of living. I love things that work, and these simple and effective tools, along with the down-to-earth attitudes and philosophies taught in this workshop, can help you achieve the outcomes you want in your life. These include:

  • a sense of Peace of Mind, working well with the ‘roller coaster’ of life
  • a better Life Balance that includes
    • living with good health and a greater sense of well-being
    • enjoying happier relationships at home and at work
    • setting goals and achieving the results you want in your life
    • experiencing more effective communication and understanding

The Centre Within gives you techniques to:

  • disconnect those “hot buttons” that we all have
  • improve your Self Image and Self Esteem
  • understand how we’ve all been trained in different ways
  • change life patterns to overcome addictive behaviours
  • set your sights on what you want out of life

You know what is right for you. You just need to explore. The Centre Within teaches you how to relax, de-stress and make the most of your life. The most important thing is our Attitude.  It’s not what happens to us in life – everyone has had things happen that they have had to learn to deal with – what is important is how we handle life’s challenges.

Perhaps you are…….

    • lacking motivation in life
    • feeling you are surrounded by constant negative comments
    • having trouble dealing with family members or work colleagues
    • struggling with ongoing disputes at work or at home
    • feeling bogged down in your job
    • not coping well with the situations life is throwing you

Wouldn’t you rather…… 

    • live life to the full?
    • make more sense out of your life?
    • believe in yourself?
    • be motivated to achieve more?
    • clear your mind of negative thoughts and see the upside of every situation?
    • enjoy good relationships with the people who you live and work with on a daily basis?
    • turn that black cloud that seems to follow you around into one with a silver lining?
    • raise your children to be motivated and positive with whatever they have to deal with? 

Throughout the 2-day course, we talk about the problems that most people have, and explore the many ways those problems can be solved.  While most people can relate to the stories and situations we talk about, participants are never asked to reveal any personal details.