I love doing this one-day workshop because this is the quickest way we can make changes to our life and living. When we make changes to the words that we speak and the words that we think, we can literally change our world. What we say out loud and in our head determines what we think, what we think determines what we feel, and what we feel determines how we act.  It all starts with the word.

Can I say that again? 

What we say out loud and what we think determines…

What we feel, and what we feel determines…

How we act.

It all starts with the word.

This is truly powerful stuff! Our lives are a mirror of our thinking and speaking,

In this workshop, you are given tools to change the way you speak and think. Here are some of the things we explore:

  • You may have noticed that we live in a world of ‘double negatives’. When you greet people with “Hello, how are you?”, you may well receive a ‘double negative’ reply such as “Not bad.” or “Can’t complain.” Our brain does not compute “Not bad” as meaning ‘good’ – it simply hears the words ‘not’ and ‘bad’.  Double negatives are not positives.
  • How often do we use the words ‘ought to’, ‘should’, ‘have to’ and ‘must’?  Possibly hundreds of times a day. Every time we use these words we are effectively letting these actions and ideas own our time and energy. We can take back our Personal Power and start to make choices instead of letting these things own and control us.
  • We all know we have Self Talk – that constant chatter that goes on in our heads. How many times have we all heard ourselves say things like “I could never do that.”, “That would never happen to me.”, “How dumb am I?” etc.

        Time to make some changes to the way we think.


One of the most powerful statements is “We Become What We Think About” (a quote from Earl Nightingale in “The Strangest Secret” – check it out on YouTube).  

I often quote Henry Ford’s words… “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.”

In this workshop we talk about the power of affirmations, meaning affirming what it is you want, so you can change your way of thinking.

Remember, we can’t always control what we think or feel (everyone has the occasional random thought and feeling) but we can always control what we say.

If you take on board these tools and techniques you can make quick and effective changes to the way you speak and think, resulting in amazing changes to the way your life evolves.