Every parent would like to raise happy, positive, confident, and resilient children. Possibly THE most important job anyone can take on is the role of parent.  

Some of the biggest challenges faced by parents include how to instill confidence, build self-esteem, avoid bullying, foster happiness, and a positive attitude, as well as teach resilience in preparing our children for a fulfilling, happy and successful adulthood.

In this three-hour workshop, we explore three main areas to help us understand where we are coming from, as well as look at what practical tools we can include in our parenting skills:

  • How does our own upbringing impact in both positive and negative ways on our parenting style?  We look at our training and experiences that have set the course for the way we raise our children.
  • How does our society differ from other societies in child-rearing? What successful techniques do they use that we can adapt to our way of living and what should we avoid? 
  • What is working for us and what isn’t?  We look at some helpful ideas and strategies to improve not only our parenting skills but techniques that will ultimately improve our family’s lifestyle and well-being.

We don’t solve the world’s parenting problems in three hours but we have a darn good attempt at addressing some of them.

One of the greatest things we can teach our children is self-responsibility.  What is important is what we teach our children to do for themselves.