Hello, I’m Helen Everingham …
I’m Helen Everingham and I believe we can all make simple and effective changes to improve our lives and our way of living. My workshops are full of practical tools and techniques, with attitudes and philosophies to help people bring their lives to greater fulfillment, improve their relationships, expand their careers and bring more enjoyment into their day-to-day life. Learn more >
Helen Everingham’s personal development courses can help you with…
“I just want to thank you most sincerely Helen, you are a very special person. Our lives were blessed first to have Bert Weir, then you come into it to continue his legacy with your enthusiasm and energy. I was inspired at the first workshop and have continued to be challenged into making good choices, with every workshop or newsletter since.“
“I attended your “Centre Within” course last weekend in Brisbane and I just wanted to let you know how valuable and worthwhile it was for me…I found a quote given to me by a friend a while ago and it really applies to you. “Real masters are ordinary people, who go into the world and influence other ordinary people to become extra-ordinary within their own lives.”
“Helen has given me options to release the knot in my gut in dealing with confronting issues previously not handled well, or handled badly, and allowed me to return to inner peace with conviction.”
“Too often we spend our lives looking for happiness from without – in the material world. It is a fruitless task. We can only ever find our bliss from that centre within us all and Helen Everingham helps to give you the skills to help find and release that.”
“Helen, we loved your presentations all weekend. You have an exceptional talent to present serious matters in a simple manner that we can understand. You are such an inspirational person with your life story and we feel very humble to have had this opportunity to learn and listen to you. Keep up the wonderful work.”
“Completing The Centre Within has given me the tools to see a different, more vivid perspective. I have conceptualised my goals. Clearing away the webs of other people’s fears, insecurities and hang-ups (and their resulting actions), has allowed me to carry my happiness in a whole new direction with so many more possibilities.”