Our major 2-day workshop, a practical course giving you tools and techniques,attitudes and philosophies to make improvements to your life and your way of living…
Good Self Esteem is the single most important factor in achieving anything in life.An interactive workshop with tools to keep those good feelings ongoing…
If things are quietly falling apart – take heart!Here are three elements to keep you sane and buoyant,with a healthy perspective on the roller coaster we call Life…
If ever there was a time when we needed to be reminded that Life Is A Joy it is right now. What are the things that bring us joy and delight? Our most important asset is our “Attitude”…
Much as we may wish for it, the world is not going to be as it was. What are the things we want to carry into the future, working with our world as it is today, and ensuring that we have the coping skills…
Setting goals, achieving your desires, living your dreams are all things we aspire to. This workshop shows you how to source what is right for you, and how to achieve it…
Burrs are those little irritations that stick in your craw and Spurs are the things that get you moving. Here are some effective ways to handle both the Burrs and Spurs in life – both can be great motivators…
Effective ways to raise happy kids to responsible adulthood.What works, what doesn’t –and why.Preparing our kids to live as happy successful adults in today’s world…
A voice teacher and motivational speaker, Helen Everingham shares her skills and knowledge. A day of practical tools to improve your presentation, whether at a round-table meeting or a major conference…