Helen Everingham

Helen Everingham

I first did The Centre Within course as a student in 1983 with the course founder Bert Weir at the Relaxation Centre of Queensland in Brisbane. Bert devised The Centre Within nearly 50 years ago and presented it as the Relaxation Centre’s cornerstone workshop for many years.

With the breakdown of my marriage in 1983 and facing the reality of raising two small sons on my own, my brother Rick flew me to Brisbane from my native Sydney, to do The Centre Within. The course was a major turning point which set me on my path of personal growth. Over the years, I have attended many workshops, lectures and courses and read many books and articles, but still consider The Centre Within course the solid base which empowered me and encouraged me to develop further.

In November 2002, I was faced with a tragedy: my two sons, then aged 24 and 26, were killed in a plane crash. Love and support from family and friends have sustained me over the years, but my attitude, beliefs and strong convictions, my self confidence and enduring tenacity have allowed me to work through some very difficult periods with grace, with strength but, of course, with tremendous sadness.

Twenty two years down the track, I live a happy fulfilling life, still with sadness that my sons aren’t part of my day-to-day life, but I’ve learned to accept ‘what is’ and make the most of life and living.

When people comment on my ability to cope, I tell them it is because I feel I am in a place which allows me to withstand such a huge loss. And I attribute that to the techniques and attitudes learned in The Centre Within.

I had worked with Bert Weir over an eleven year period during the 1980’s and 90’s, organising his courses in Sydney. Bert had always said that one day, I would present The Centre Within myself. The time was right to start doing just that. So, with Bert’s blessing, I began presenting the course in Sydney in March 2003.

Since then, my workshops have taken off around the bush. I am now living in Pittsworth in country Queensland and I travel the bush bringing The Centre Within, and my many other workshops, to country towns around Australia.

While I love running my workshops for the public, I find I am working more and more with staff and families on properties all around the Outback. My work is constantly taking me to some amazing parts of our country, and I feel blessed to work with so many wonderful people.


Bert Weir was a founding member of The Relaxation Centre of Queensland based in Brisbane. The Centre Within course, devised by Bert nearly 50 years ago, was the cornerstone of The Relaxation Centre’s many and varied workshops.

Bert taught classes for individuals and businesses around Australia. He ran courses in Self Esteem and an Advanced Centre Within for those who wanted to explore even further.

Bert’s book “You Were Born Special, Beautiful and Wonderful, What Happened?” is a practical ‘how-to’ book on feeling good about yourself, looking at why we humans behave as we do and giving practical tools to make changes to better our lives and our way of living.