…and all of those wonderful words that we spread around this time of year as we head into the holiday season.

I never quite know what I am going to write in my newsletters, until someone says something that triggers a thought, an idea, an inspiration.

I was enjoying an extended chat over coffee with my brother Rick and sister-in-law Des ten days ago. It was Rick and Des who flew me to Brisbane to do Bert Weir’s workshop “The Centre Within” which started me on this remarkable journey. Next week marks the 40th Anniversary of being at that course. 

Our talk turned to the power of words. We are all big on saying affirmations. Rick told me he says this short rhyme multiple times a day. I love it; simple, effective and straight to the point: 

“I am at peace with the world and in perfect health. I love my work and it brings me wealth.”

As some of you know, my brother Rick is an artist whose paintings and sculptures have been his source of income and joy for over 50 years. 

The power of words is mighty. I have 12 affirmations which I say many times a day. Whenever I see my chiropractor he tells me to lie face down and says “Okay, give us your affirmations.” He maintains if we all said positive uplifting words to ourselves on a regular basis, we would all help the body heal itself.  

I have no doubt my body is in a much better state because of my ongoing affirmations and attitudes. 

Some of my affirmations I have had for all of those 40 years. One of those is “Now is the appointed time, today is the day of my amazing good fortune.” It’s an affirmation from Florence Scovel Shinn from the 1920’s. She was an early spiritual thinker and leader who wrote the book “The Game of Life and How to Play It”. 

As we move into the season of “peace on earth and goodwill to all men”, something that is definitely needed at the moment, please take the time to listen to the words we speak and think.

In my last newsletter I talked about how our thoughts and emotions have such a great impact on our wellbeing: “Everything we think and feel has a profound affect on our physical being”.

Words matter! Language reflects our behaviour. When we speak from the heart, when our words are authentic and our intentions are from healthy underlying values, we can move mountains.

And we can help and encourage others to move mountains as well. 

Words can also be more powerful than weapons. Because the power of the word is mighty, our chosen words carry great responsibility. They can often impact people in a way that can inspire or discourage those to whom the words are spoken.

That also applies to the words we speak to ourselves. These words were spoken by Bruce Lee: 

“Don’t speak negatively about yourself, even as a joke. Your body doesn’t know the difference. Words are energy and cast spells, that’s why it’s called spelling. Change the way you speak about yourself and you can change your life. What you’re not changing, you’re also choosing.” (Rick reminded me of this one as well.)

Enjoy the festive season! Spread the kindness, goodwill, joy and happiness that is so needed at the moment.

Love and Laughter,

Helen Everingham Signature